Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture: Maximizing Health and Relieving Pain

With over 750 million people treated and over 5000 years practiced, acupuncture has proven therapeutic health benefits.

When choosing this therapy (needle insertion acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, and auriculotherapy), you are opting for a gentle healing method without harmful side effects. Chinese Medicine is based on a holistic understanding of bodily functions, which depend on the flow of energy, called Qi. In the healthy state, the Qi is flowing harmoniously. When the harmony is out of balance, disease and malfunctions of the organs may occur. When an acupuncture needle is inserted at specifically designated points corresponding to specific organs and body functions, it has a harmonizing influence on the flow of the Qi.

During treatment, specific acupoints are stimulated, and you may feel a slight energizing sensation. Afterward, you may feel changes in your system as the Qi begins to address imbalances.

Natural Healing

At Berton Physiotherapy & Chiropractic, Dr. Berton uses acupuncture for natural healing, pain control and migraine prevention. Unfortunately, most patients seek treatment from this medicinal approach only after they believe that no other treatment can help. However, this technique can be implemented by an experienced practitioner as a primary source of treatment.

Berton Physiotherapy & Chiropractic is pleased to offer Acupuncture in Windsor, Ontario. With over 750 million people treated and over 5000 years practiced, it has proven therapeutic health benefits.

Berton Physiotherapy & Chiropractic accepts most extended health plans including private insurance, WSIB, and all motor vehicle collision insurance companies for physiotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture and massage therapy services.

Berton Physiotherapy & Chiropractic Windsor, Ontario. Contact us today to benefit from this service.

Don’t Spend Another Day in Pain…

If You’re Hurtin’ Call Team Berton

For more information or to book an appointment call Berton Physiotherapy & Chiropractic Clinic today at 519-966-8200

Call Us Today:

Berton Physiotherapy & Chiropractic

555 Tecumseh Rd. E.
Windsor, ON
N8X 2S1

Phone: (519) 966-8200
Fax: (519) 966-0990

Mon – Thu: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
Fri: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm

Introducing HipTrac™

HipTrac™ is a first-in-class light-weight, portable device that replicates and complements the manual therapy techniques of long axis hip traction. We are proud to be one of the first in Canada to incorporate this device into our patient’s treatment plans. Health practitioners interested in using HipTrac™ can find out more by visiting

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