Compression Stockings

Since 1864, SIGVARIS GROUP has created high-quality and innovative medical compression therapy solutions that make people feel their best, every day, Combining advanced technology, quality craftsmanship, and fashionable designs, catering to a wide range of different needs and indications.

Let Berton Physiotherapy & Chiropractic assess your symptoms and measure your perfect fit. Plus, with Sigvaris, you’ll find fashionable modern patterns that make wearing compression socks fun. You’ll even find stockings for special occasions and even formal wear.

Medical Compression Therapy

What is medical compression therapy? It applies an elastic device on limbs or other body parts to create controlled pressure. This is done to squeeze the vein walls together. This controlled pressure not only helps reduce swelling and discomfort but also assists in improving blood circulation. Medical compression also helps reduce edema and creates a condition that helps to heal chronic inflammatory disorders.

Benefits of Wearing Compression Stockings

Wearing compression stockings has many benefits. They can relieve tired, achy legs and make them feel more energized. They can also help prevent and treat many symptoms associated with venous insufficiency. This condition is where veins fail to return blood efficiently to the heart. Symptoms include leg swelling and pain in the extremities. If you have dull aching, the feeling of heaviness, or leg cramping, or spend long periods on your feet or sitting, compression socks might be right for you. They provide almost instant relief.

Berton Physiotherapy & Chiropractic accepts most extended health plans including private insurance, WSIB, and all motor vehicle collision insurance companies for physiotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage therapy services.

Don’t Spend Another Day in Pain…

If You’re Hurtin’ Call Team Berton

For more information or to book an appointment call Berton Physiotherapy & Chiropractic Clinic today at 519-966-8200

Call Us Today:

Berton Physiotherapy & Chiropractic

555 Tecumseh Rd. E.
Windsor, ON
N8X 2S1

Phone: (519) 966-8200
Fax: (519) 966-0990

Mon – Thu: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
Fri: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm

Introducing HipTrac™

HipTrac™ is a first-in-class light-weight, portable device that replicates and complements the manual therapy techniques of long axis hip traction. We are proud to be one of the first in Canada to incorporate this device into our patient’s treatment plans. Health practitioners interested in using HipTrac™ can find out more by visiting

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